Wie man am billigsten Flüge bucht

Beste Flugpreise Dienstag abend

According to new global data from travel search site momondo, you can save money by booking flights at least 53 days in advance of their departure.

After analyzing 12.6 billion airfares worldwide, momondo found that by booking travel early – just under two months in advance of departure – consumers could save an average of 26 percent on flight costs. Conversely, tickets are most expensive if travelers wait to book their trip on the day of departure.

momondo also found that flight price can vary widely depending on the day of the week, with the cheapest departure fares typically found on Tuesdays and the most expensive fares on Saturdays. The average flight cost difference between these days of the week is 11.5 percent.

Avoid midday flights

According to momondo, time of day is also important to consider when booking. momondo’s global flight statistics show it is typically cheaper to fly between the hours of 6 p.m. and 12 a.m. Midday flights between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. are the most expensive overall, by 6 percent on average.

momondo spokesperson Lasse Skole Hansen noted: “We always advise travelers to stick to these golden travel rules to secure the cheapest fares. In general, it pays to book flights about two months in advance, and we found these trends consistent across the board. To save the most money on their trip, bargain hunters should consider flying in the evening and on Tuesdays if possible.”

Ticket prices are also influenced by other factors, such as day of departure, airline, season and airport – and factors affecting price vary on each route.

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